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When does my animal
need Physiotherapy and what does this include?

Healthy Animals / Maintenance Appointment: 

In healthy animals who have not had a lameness in the last 12 months treatments are recommended bi-annually or quarterly to ensure they are in tip top shape and have no underlying issues. These maintenance treatments begin with a hands on performance MOT and gait assessment.  Any areas of muscle tightness, reduced range of motion or functional restrictions that are identified are then treated, and performance enhanced through exercise programmes designed to develop identified weak muscles which have been likely leading to these compensatory effects. By enhancing the animals way of going through training correct posture and movement patterns we can prevent these 'small' issues developing into incorrect gait patterns or performance issues, and reduce the chance of injury/ lameness.  


Chronic condition:

Physiotherapy and targeted exercise plans are particularly crucial in Chronic cases (e.g. arthritic joints/ joint dysplasia/ historic injuries) where weakness's predispose the animal to pain and in many cases accelerates these degenerative changes/ pathologies. Treatments for these animals are often more regular (usually ranging in frequency from bi-weekly to every 12 weeks) and concentrate on ensuring pain and function is effectively managed through hands on techniques, electrotherapy's maximising cellular function and carefully targeted strength and conditioning plans in a gentle and manageable way.  In addition simple alterations to their home environment such as non-slip mats for dogs and the application of heat packs for horses prior to exercise can improve their quality of life and performance - they don't have to be stiff every day with clever management!
This advice is all discussed within appointments and written in our reports. 


Other cases that respond well with Physiotherapy intervention are Neurological cases to aid the retraining of movement patterns - please contact us to find out more.


To find out more about what treatments include please click below. 

Surgery Rehabilitation .jpeg

Current Injuries / Rehabilitation:

Animals currently recovering from injury, surgery of on a rehabilitation journey often need a helping hand. Treatments for these animals can be time sensitive and preferably begin before the recovery has begun, by this we mean where a surgery is planned then ensuring protocols are in place beforehand such as pre-rehab strengthening exercises can enhance recovery. However we know this is not always possible - especially where injuries are concerned.
Treatment frequency is case dependant with varying requirements to consider, but this always centre around optimising recovery whilst remaining within both financial and time considerations.


All treatments begin with liaison with your Vet for veterinary reports and up to date information on the pathologies, rehabilitation guidelines and goal setting, which takes place before the appointment time. This allows a comprehensive assessment to be made of the healing and rehablitation of the injured structures through hands on and visual methods.  Physiotherapy techniques are then used to optimise cellular health and recovery, and to also target any compensatory issues such as muscle tightness, functional abnormalities and restrictions. And finally a rehabilitation plan is formulated with a written report including detailed exercises and diagrams, timelines and goals. 

As the animal recovers their journey is unlikely to remain linear, bumps in the road and set backs can be frustrating and confusing, but we are on hand to alter exercises and treatments accordingly. 


We also offer rehabilitation livery for Horses at our in house clinic at Stallard VPR (Ombersley, Worcestershire), this enables us to monitor progress on a daily basis liaising with your Vet and carrying out daily treatments and exercise plans to optimise recovery without the worry - durations tailored to suit you (minimum 1 week).


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